Research unit on topological invariants through scattering theory and noncommutative geometry

Serge RICHARD (多元数理科学研究科 特任教授)
 森吉 仁志    (多元数理科学研究科 教授)
 田仲 由喜夫   (工学研究科 教授)
 川口 由紀    (工学研究科 教授)

 Our research unit is looking for topological properties of physical systems through a powerful framework involving scattering theory and noncommutative geometry. Several models related to quantum mechanics are considered. An important part of the research is done by using advanced tools of functional analysis. The emphasize is put not only on research but also on education. A new generation of talented students in mathematics and in physics is taking the best of this research unit.



Topological invariants through scattering theory and noncommutative geometry HP
