国際連携実績 / International collaborations
COIL(Collaborative Online International Learning )
COIL is an initiative to provide students from both countries with the opportunity to participate in classes at universities in the other country and interact with students in their own country. COIL offers an opportunity for Nagoya University students to familiarize themselves with the idea of studying abroad (short or long-term). It is expected to contribute to increased interest in future study abroad.
North Carolina State University (NCSU)
名古屋大学は、長年のパートナーシップの一環として、2021年春学期にノースカロライナ州立大学(Office of Global EngagementおよびNC Japan Center)とCOILプログラムを実施しました。
As part of a long-standing partnership, Nagoya University implemented the COIL program with North Carolina State University, the Office of Global Engagement, and the NC Japan Center in the 2021 Spring semester.
詳細 (For detail):
COIL Programs with Nagoya University
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG)
テーマ: “How do we solve big social issues for the future?”
講師:織田一彰 (スローガン株式会社 共同創業者、名古屋大学数理学科客員教授)
テーマ:"India's Labour Market Scenario - the broad indicators & implications"
講師:Dr.Rajshree Bedamatta (Associate Professor (Economics), Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati, India)
Nagoya University implemented its first COIL program with the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati) in 2022.
■Lecture from Nagoya University
Theme:“How do we solve big social issues for the future?”
Instructor:Kazuaki ODA (SLOGAN Co-founder & Executive Fellow, Guest Professor at Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University)
■Lecture from IIT Guwahati
Theme:"India's Labour Market Scenario - the broad indicators & implications"
Instructor:Dr. Rajshree Bedamatta (Associate Professor (Economics), Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati, India)