Initiatives to Promote International Industry-Academia Collaboration
In order to evolve the university's technological seeds in cooperation with industry and contribute to the local community, Nagoya University has been focusing on industry-academia-government collaboration, the creation and utilization of intellectual property, and the establishment of university-launched venture companies. And in the future, we will promote international industry-academia-government collaborations to strengthen our response not only to the domestic market but also to the global market. In addition to serving as a window for international industry-academia-government collaborations in the Chubu region, we are strengthening our activities to enhance our world-class academic infrastructure, the international exchange we have promoted among universities, and our industrial infrastructure, a manufacturing center that attracts foreign investment.
国際産学官連携Seminar & Symposium(準備中)
About International Industry-Academia Collaboration Seminars and Symposiums
Booklets introducing the achievements of Nagoya University
国際連携実績 / International collaborations
About International collaboration achievements
Organizations of Nagoya University for International Industry-University Collaboration
お問い合わせ(Contact Information)
For inquiries about international industry-academia collaboration including collaborative studies etc, please contact below.
■産学協創国際戦略部門 国際戦略ユニット
Location:ナショナル・イノベーション・コンプレックス(NIC) 3階 311号室
Industry-Academia Collaboration & International Strategy Group (IIG) NIC311
TEL: 052-747-6783
Email: sangaku-isg[at]aip.nagoya-u.ac.jp