- Uses AI to analyze your search keywords and extract related terms, allowing you to conduct a comprehensive search for research seeds and topics from Nagoya University and Gifu University.
- Ranks the search results by their relevance to your keywords and the terms generated by AI. The results are displayed by researcher, showing up to 10 related researcher’s achievements which are associated with the keywords.
- Links to researchers’ profile pages from the search results (Researcher’s List for Nagoya University, Researchmap for Gifu University). Researchers at Nagoya University are also linked to their laboratory/personal homepages and related information** pages ( both links only for some researchers ).
- Can be searched by Japanese and English.
**) Related information = Pages that introduce the researchers’ work created by the Nagoya University Office of Academic Research and Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration (AR&IAGC), research data registered in the Nagoya Repository, etc.