

"Zipping-up" rings to make nanographenes ~ A fast and efficient method for graphene nanoribbon synthesis ~

  • Read in Japanese
  • 2018/02/08

Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)

Yoshito Koga, Takeshi Kaneda, Yutaro Saito, Designated Associate Prof. Kei Murakami, Prof. Kenichiro Itami

A new method for nanographene synthesis by zipping up partially fused aromatics. Gray colored balls represent carbon atoms and gray colored sticks represent chemical bonds.

Scientists at Nagoya University have now developed a fast way to form nanographenes in a controlled fashion.

Nanographenes are attracting wide interest from many researchers as a powerful candidate for the next generation of carbon materials due to their unique electric properties. Scientists at Nagoya University have now developed a fast way to form nanographenes in a controlled fashion. This simple and powerful method for nanographene synthesis could help generate a range of novel optoelectronic materials, such as organic electroluminescent displays and solar cells.


Nagoya, Japan - A group of chemists of the JST-ERATO Itami Molecular Nanocarbon Project and the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) of Nagoya University, and their colleagues have developed a simple and powerful method to synthesize nanographenes. This new approach, recently described in the journal Science, is expected to lead to significant progress in organic synthesis, materials science and catalytic chemistry......>>read more on the ITbM website