Dear colleagues,

Center for Low-temperature plasma sciences (cLPS), Nagoya University
will hold the following international forum.
Considering the recent situation of the new Coronavirus,
this event will be held in the Webinar format.
We will send you the Zoom URL after registering on the web.

We look forward to your participation.

Planning Committee Chair: Hiroki Kondo, Nagoya University

10th November, 2020
16:00~16:30JST Shin Kajita (Nagoya University, Japan) [Invited talk]
"Nanostructure growth on various metals by helium plasma irradiation"

16:30~17:00JST Takashi Itoh (Gifu University, Japan) [Invited talk]
"Improvement of wettability on Carbon nanowall by oxygen plasma treatment"

17:00~17:30JST Vincenza Armenise (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy) [Invited talk]
"Atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma processes for environmental applications"

(Short break)

17:45~18:15JST Giichiro Uchida (Meijo University, Japan) [Invited talk]
"Morphological control of nanostructured Ge films in plasma sputtering process for Li ion batteries"

18:15~18:45JST Tsanko Tsankov (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) [Invited talk]
"INCA: A low pressure plasma source scalable to large areas"

Registration Fee: Free

cLPS office:
